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Trinity provides UK Home Office and Border Agency approved secure tests (Trinity GESE-SELT) which are required for British visas, Leave to Remain, and British Citizenship. The level you require depends on what you are applying for and you can find further information here: or contact me for further advice.

I completely understand that this process can be extremely stressful for people as the consequences of passing or failing your test are so high. I have attended training sessions in London and Birmingham Trinity exam centres and I feel that this has helped me to gain a very good understanding of what is needed to prepare, register for, and pass these exams. Being fully prepared for the exam and knowing exactly what language you need in order to prove your level is fundamental to passing. This is why I would highly recommend taking preparation classes even if you feel that your English is already at the required level. You may only need one class to get an understanding of effective strategies needed to pass or we can work together to develop a longer-term plan aimed to help you achieve success. I am very proud to say that I have helped a number of students do this.

Trinity ISE

I can also offer classes for the Trinity Integrated Skills in English exams. You can find any relevant information about these exams here:

Trinity GESE-SELT and ISE: Service
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